Web Design Frameset S


Deanland Weather Station Wind 8 knots gusting 10 knots. Runway 24 has 7 knots Cross Wind. Humidity 88. Cloud 680 feet. No Rain. Xiii Web Design in a Nutshell, eMatter Edition Copyright 2000 OReilly Associates, Inc. All rights reserved. Chapter 1vM Preface In the beginning, the Web was. Web Design Frameset S' title='Web Design Frameset S' />HTML 4. Specification. W3. C Recommendation 2. December 1. 99. 9This version. TR1. 99. 9REC html. Kb, gziped. tar archive of HTML files 3. Kb, a. zip archive of. HTML files 4. 05. Kb, gziped Postscript file 7. Kb. 3. 89 pages, gziped PDF file 9. Web Design Frameset S' title='Web Design Frameset S' />KbLatest version of HTML 4. TRhtml. 40. 1Latest version of HTML 4 http www. TRhtml. 4Latest version of HTML http www. TRhtml. Previous version of HTML 4. TR1. 99. 9PR html. Previous HTML 4 Recommendation. TR1. 99. 8REC html. Editors Dave Raggett lt dsrw. Arnaud Le Hors, W3. CIan Jacobs, W3. CCopyright. W3. C MIT. INRIA, Keio, All Rights. Reserved. W3. C liability. Abstract. This specification defines the Hyper. Text Markup Language HTML, the. World Wide Web. This specification defines HTML. HTML 4. In addition to the text, multimedia, and. HTML HTML 3. 2. HTML3. HTML 2. 0 RFC1. 86. HTML 4. supports more multimedia options, scripting languages, style sheets, better. HTML 4 also takes great strides towards the internationalization. Web truly World Wide. HTML 4 is an SGML application conforming to International Standard ISO 8. Standard Generalized Markup Language ISO8. Status of this document. This section describes the status of this document at the time of its. Other documents may supersede this document. The latest status of. W3. C. This document specifies HTML 4. HTML 4 line of. specifications. The first version of HTML 4 was HTML 4. HTML4. 0, published. December 1. 99. 7 and revised 2. April 1. 99. 8. This specification is the first. HTML 4. 0. 1 Recommendation. It includes non editorial changes since the 2. April version of HTML. There have been some changes to the DTDs, for example. This document. obsoletes previous versions of HTML 4. Photo Lab 4 Serial Number. W3. C will continue to make. DTDs available at the W3. C Web site. This document has been reviewed by W3. C Members and other interested parties. Director as a W3. C Recommendation. It is a stable. document and may be used as reference material or cited as a normative. W3. Cs role in making the Recommendation is to. This enhances the functionality and interoperability of the Web. W3. C recommends that user agents and authors and in particular, authoring. HTML 4. 0. 1 documents rather than HTML 4. W3. C. recommends that authors produce HTML 4 documents instead of HTML 3. For reasons of backward compatibility, W3. C also recommends that tools. HTML 4 continue to support HTML 3. HTML 2. 0 as well. For information about the next generation of HTML, The Extensible Hyper. Text. Markup Language XHTML, please refer to the W3. C HTML Activity and the list of W3. C Technical Reports. This document has been produced as part of the W3. C HTML Activity. The goals of the HTML Working GroupMembers only are discussed in the HTML Working Group. Members. only. A list of current W3. C Recommendations and other technical documents can be. TR. Public discussion on HTML features takes place on www htmlw. Available languages. The English version of this specification is the only normative version. However, for translations of this document, see. Mark. Uphtml. 4 updatestranslations. Errata. The list of known errors in this specification is available at. Mark. Uphtml. 4 updateserrata. Please report errors in this document to www html editorw. About the HTML 4. Specification. Introduction to. HTML 4. On SGML and. HTMLConformance. requirements and recommendations. HTML Document. Representation Character sets, character encodings, and. Basic HTML data. types Character data, colors, lengths, URIs, content types. HTML document The HEAD and BODY of a. Language. information and text direction International considerations for. Paragraphs, Lines, and Phrases. Lists. Unordered, Ordered, and Definition Lists. Tables. Links. Hypertext and Media Independent Links. Objects. Images, and Applets. Style. Sheets Adding style to HTML documents. Alignment. font styles, and horizontal rules. Frames. Multi view presentation of documents. Forms. User input Forms Text Fields, Buttons, Menus, and more. Scripts Animated Documents and Smart Forms. SGML reference. information for HTML Formal definition of HTML and. SGML Declaration of HTML. Document Type Definition. Transitional Document Type Definition. Frameset Document Type Definition. Character entity. HTML 4. Changes. Performance. Implementation, and Design Notes. About the HTML 4. Specification. How the specification is. Document conventions. Elements and. attributes. Notes and examples. Acknowledgments. Acknowledgments for the. Copyright Notice. Introduction to. HTML 4. What is the World Wide. Web Introduction to. Relative URIs. What is HTML A brief history of. Internationalization. Accessibility. Tables. Compound. documents. Style sheets. Scripting. Printing. Authoring documents with. HTML 4. Separate structure and. Consider universal. Web. Help user agents with. On SGML and. HTMLIntroduction to. SGMLSGML constructs used in. HTMLElements. Attributes. Character. references. Comments. How to read the HTML. DTDDTD Comments. Parameter entity. Element. declarations. Attribute. declarations. Conformance. requirements and recommendations. Definitions. SGMLThe texthtml content type. HTML Document. Representation Character sets, character encodings, and entities. The Document Character. Set. Character encodings. Choosing an encoding. Specifying the character. Character references. Numeric character. Character entity. Undisplayable. characters. Basic HTML data. types Character data, colors, lengths, URIs, content types, etc. Case information. SGML basic types. Text strings. URIs. Colors. Notes on using colors. Lengths. Content types MIME. Language codes. Character encodings. Single characters. Dates and times. Link types. Media descriptors. Script data. Style sheet data. Frame target names. The global. structure of an HTML document The HEAD and BODY of a document. Introduction to the. HTML document. HTML version. The HTML element. The document head. The HEAD element. The TITLE element. The title. attribute. Meta data. The document body. The BODY element. Element identifiers. Block level and inline. Grouping elements the. Headings The H1, H2. H6 elements. The ADDRESS element. Language. information and text direction International considerations for. Specifying the language. Language codes. Inheritance of. Interpretation of. Specifying the. direction of text and tables the dir attribute. Introduction to the. Inheritance of text. Setting the direction. Overriding the. bidirectional algorithm the BDO element. Character references. The effect of style. Text. Paragraphs, Lines, and Phrases. White space. Structured text. Phrase elements EM, STRONG, DFN, CODE. SAMP, KBD, VAR. CITE, ABBR, and ACRONYMQuotations The BLOCKQUOTE and Q elements. Subscripts and. superscripts the SUB and. SUP elements. Lines and Paragraphs. Paragraphs the P element. Controlling line. Hyphenation. Preformatted text The. PRE element. Visual rendering of. Marking document changes. The INS and DEL elements. Lists. Unordered, Ordered, and Definition Lists. Introduction to. lists. Unordered lists UL, ordered. OL, and list items LIDefinition lists the DL, DT, and. DD elements. Visual rendering of. The DIR and MENU elements. Game Guardian Apk No Root. Tables. Introduction to. Elements for. constructing tables. The TABLE element. Table Captions The. CAPTION element. Row groups the THEAD, TFOOT, and TBODY elements. Column groups the. COLGROUP and COL. Table rows The TR element. Table cells The. TH and TD elements. Table formatting by. Borders and. rules. Horizontal and. vertical alignment. Cell margins. Table rendering by. The Pros and Cons of Frames in Web Pages. Frames are a way to achieve certain effects andor solve certain problems in web design. Frames have some compelling advantages, but they also have some serious disadvantages. The pros and cons of frames is a somewhat subjective topic and this page reflects the opinions of the author, Dave Owen. Other people may have differing opinions. Pros. The most obvious feature of frames is the ability to keep one part of the page static whilst changing another part. For this reason frames are often used for navigation menus. Frames can also help reduce bandwidth and server load, because the same content does not need to be loaded every time a new page is visited. Cons. The rest of this page is devoted to the disadvantages of frames. As you can see, it is my opinion that frames have more cons than pros. Broken Framesets. A broken frameset happens when the frames are not loaded or displayed correctly, for example, a menu frame is missing or one of the frames takes up the whole window. A broken frameset is usually a useless shambles. Framesets fall apart more often than you might think, to virtually all sites using frames. Your site is not immuneThere are several common causes, including Visitors arrive via a search engine link see below or direct link to a framed page. The users browser experiences temporary problems handling frames this happens reasonably often with Internet Explorer. Some browsers do not support frames properly at all e. Web. TV. Simple typos in your website can break the frameset. Note If you think a Click here to restore frameset link will solve this problem, youre wrong. Search Engines. Search engines dont deal with frames well. Some search engines cant follow framed pages at all, but even the best search engines will have problems. More importantly, many search engines choose not to index frames because they are so problematic. Although search engines can theoretically index frames well enough, there is no way to reliably organize them in a database and display them in results pages using the correct framesets. Remember that search engines find individual pages with the relevant content, and then have to work backwards to determine which frameset each page belongs to. How would they do that Answer They cant, so they dont try. In theory, for very small databases, there might be some way to track and record framesets. This would be impractical for large search engines, but it would also be hopelessly unreliable. For example, if a page appears in two different framesets, how would a search engine know which frameset to use when that page is returned in a result What happens when a page is moved from one frameset to another, or placed in a frameset temporarily how would the search engines know There are many other such problems which make frames unsuitable for search result pages. So. search engines cant reconstruct framesets from individual pages. The only option is to show the pages isolated independent of their frameset. Therefore most search listings to framed pages result in broken framesets. The situation with search engines will not change for two reasons The root of the problem is with frames themselves, not the search engines, so there is little hope that search engines will get better at dealing with them. Frames are out of fashion, especially amongst the types of site the search engines are trying to target, so the problems associated with frames are not a priority for search engines. Note Search engines index the noframes content of a frameset, which is why search engines will often show a sites description as Sorry, your browser doesnt support frames so you are unable to view this website. Thats not going to attract many visitorsYou can get around this to some extent by providing better noframes content, but its more work and will never have the same results as standard pages. Linking Issues. Generally speaking, you cant link directly to a framed page. There are workarounds available which use various dynamic or scripting solutions e. Java. Script but these have problems of their own. You will often find that people think they are providing a valid link, but it doesnt go to the page they think it does. Many valuable links to your website are wasted, and visitors get annoyed and confused by broken links. Bookmarks Favourites. The same problems related to links also apply to bookmarking pages. Users will bookmark a framed page, only to discover when they return that the bookmark takes them to a different page. Other Issues. Just briefly. The users back button often doesnt work. Rename File Name In Putty. Frames often reduce the amount of usable space on the page. The URL in the address bar always stays the same. Although some webmasters do this on purpose, it is generally considered undesirable for experienced web users. Frames create problems with printing. If public opinion is important to your site, be aware that many people are vehemently anti frames. Many reviewers and commentators think frames are for amateurs and will say so. My Experience. When I began making websites in 1. I loved frames. Most of the sites I worked on including Media. College. com used frames. Initially I thought it was all going well. Over the next few years, the problems associated with frames gradually forced me to re evaluate my use of frames. For some sites it was the search engine issue, for others there were different problems. One by one I made the difficult decision to abandon frames on all my sites. For some sites it was particularly hard and many users complained, but on balance I have more satisfied customers now. The two things I noticed most of all when removing frames from my busiest website were 1 the number of reported technical problems halved, and 2 my search rankings went through the roof. Now I would never go back to frames. I do miss some of the features but web design is all about compromise and this was one compromise which was well worth it. Take a Hint From the Experts. If you dont want to take my word for it, have a good look at the most popular sites on the Internet. Check out all the top news sites, portals, professional services, etc. Consider all the sites which have won Webby awards in recent years. How many of them use frames The answer is not many, in fact I couldnt find a single Webby winner which used frames. Very few professional sites use them. Either they have all got it wrong, or they have all made this choice for a good reason. IFrames. One alternative to frames is worth a mention IFrames. I wont go into the details here, but IFrames are fairly well supported, can achieve most of the same effects as frames, and have fewer problems. Worth a try if you really need frames type functionality. Summary. The World Wide Web is based on a single unit the web page. Frames destroy this unit, and therein lies most of the associated problems. Its important to remember how fickle Internet users are. Whilst you may think its easy to get round the problems, your visitors will not be prepared to make the same effort you are. For example, if a bookmarked page doesnt return a visitor to the correct page, there is a good chance you will lose that visitor forever. If a users browser starts having a fit and opening framed links in new windows a relatively common occurrence, its a shocking look for your site. In summary, the disadvantages of frames outweigh the advantages in most situations.

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