Photo Lab 4 Serial Number


Serial Indifference A Houston Chronicle Investigation. Chapter 4 A verdict with collateral damageClick here to read previous installments. Nick Socias had been working for this moment for more than two years, determined to finally put away an alleged serial rapist named Keith Edward Hendricks. In December 2. 01. Criminal District Court on Hendricks latest victim, a fragile 2. BAMKOSURPLUS. serving the petrochemical industry in surplus sales and investment recovery. Contact BAMKOSURPLUS Phone 4099424224 Fax4099424321. Northwestern University Knight Lab is a community of designers, developers, students, and educators working on experiments designed to push journalism into n. Tree Root Barrier Installation Cost. Balticlab is an innovation and leadership programme, run in partnership by the Council of the Baltic Sea States and the Swedish Institute. The programme brings. Photo Lab 4 Serial Number' title='Photo Lab 4 Serial Number' />Jenny who suffered from bipolar disorder and was a reluctant witness at best. She sat in a witness room on the 1. Harris County Courthouse downtown. Socias remembers speaking to her minutes before the proceedings began. She told him she just wanted to testify and leave. Photo Lab 4 Serial Number' title='Photo Lab 4 Serial Number' />Socias didnt think it would be easy for Jenny, at least the fifth woman to identify Hendricks as the man who had allegedly raped her. Socias couldnt understand how the system had failed for nearly a decade to put Hendricks away. He hoped to get her on and off the stand as quickly as possible. But minutes before she was supposed to testify, Jenny urinated on herself, emotionally unprepared to confront Hendricks in open court. It wasnt the way Socias wanted to begin. He told the judge what had happened. Jenny was given fresh clothing to change into while attorneys made opening arguments to the jury. Socias called her as the first witness. But by Socias fourth question, which was to confirm her name, Jenny unraveled, barely able to speak. She paused after Socias asked if Hendricks had her taken to an abandoned house. Telling you that see, the problem was that I can read everybodys mind at the same exact time, like I function at a high velocity more than everybody else, she finally said, making little sense. District Court Judge Stacy Bond called for a break. Outside the presence of the jury, she asked Socias if he had a plan to proceed. He did not. Socias told the judge hed spoken to Jenny only twice in the past week, the second time being the day before the trial. He did not know what was wrong with her. The judge noted Jenny appeared to be responding to internal stimuli. The judge told prosecutors to talk amongst themselves to determine how to proceed. But during the break, Jenny left the courtroom and said she did not want to be in Houston, Socias recalled. Socias and fellow prosecutors followed her, trying to reason with her. Socias said Jenny then went out into the street, asking random people for rides. He began to panic, worrying for Jennys safety. He said he followed her behind the courthouse. Jenny stood between two police SUVs, then walked into traffic, Socias recalled. He said he watched a car barely miss hitting her. Subscribe. The Houston Chronicle is dedicated to serving the public interest with fact based journalism. That mission has never been more important. Show your support for our journalism at Houston. Chronicle. comsubscribe. Socias said he ran into the street himself, stopping traffic. He could not tell if Jenny was intentionally trying to hurt herself. Authorities were called and paramedics arrived to take Jenny to St. Joseph Medical Center, Socias said. Socias said he also began emailing colleagues at the DAs office, asking them what to do. He did not have experience with mental health cases and certainly not the set of unusual circumstances he faced with his witness. When proceedings resumed after lunch, Socias told the judge what had happened and explained that the DAs office thought Jenny was a danger to herself and had taken her to a hospital and into custody for mental health reasons. To ensure her presence when the trial resumed, Socias asked the judge to issue a material witness bond. C Source Code Serial Port Communication Visual Basic. The measure which he said was suggested by colleagues and superiors would guarantee that she was released back into the custody of the DAs office instead of the street. The judge agreed to issue the witness bond and reset the case for Jan. Concerned about Jennys well being, Socias visited her a few times while she was at St. Joseph. She seemed to be making progress, becoming more lucid and less combative. He understood that she would eventually be released from the hospital. On his last visit, Socias told Jenny he would not see her again for a couple of weeks because he would be undergoing his own medical procedure. Jenny was released from the hospital on Dec. An investigator from the district attorneys office picked her up. Nicholas Socias, a former Harris County assistant district attorney, took Hendricks to trial in 2. After the victim, a woman named Jenny, broke down on the witness stand, Socias requested that a judge release Jenny into the custody of authorities. He would later email Socias telling him he took care of Jennys transfer, without elaboration. Socias assumed, from his conversations with Jennys doctors at St. Joseph, that she would be transferred to a county mental health facility. Instead, the DAs investigator, who was armed, arrested Jenny, handcuffed her and put her in the back of his car. Then he drove her to the Harris County Jail. Jennys mother could not believe the phone call she received from her daughter telling her that she had been transferred from the hospital to the county jail. The youngest of her three daughters, Jenny had already been through so much. She had watched her daughter, once a smart student and talented athlete, struggle to manage bipolar disorder following her high school graduation. The highs and lows her daughter suffered were only compounded by the trauma of being raped. She had helped prosecutors persuade Jenny to testify because she thought it might bring emotional closure and put a dangerous man in prison. But no one ever said her daughter could be sent to jail while she awaited trial. She wrote Socias on Dec. Jenny had called her from the jail, asking why she had been transferred there instead of a psychiatric hospital. This is really unacceptable for a rape victim to put her in jail, she wrote to him via email. The day before Christmas, Jennys mother again wrote Socias, telling him her daughter was not doing well, not receiving proper medication for her mental illness or any support. She said she understood he wanted Jenny to testify, but it was not working this way. Jenny would not be a good witness if she was kept in jail. Right now, she is like a caged animal set to explode, she wrote. Three days after Christmas, Jenny went to the jails psychiatric unit. She had been in jail without her medications for more than a week. She tried to tell Jail staff she was a rape victim, a witness in a criminal trial, not the defendant. But they believed she was confused, questioning her orientation to reality. The jails records indicated to them that she had been booked in as a suspect. Despite what she said, they insisted she was the one facing sexual assault charges. Her mother sent several more emails to Socias, pleading with him to transfer her out of the jail. Jenny told her she was not being housed in the mental health unit, but in the general population. She was worried about Jennys safety and feared she could be hurt in jail. Her daughter was a rape victim, not a criminal. Map of locations. Keith Edward Hendricks, a convicted rapist, has been accused of attacking homeless women in a small pocket of Houstons Midtown neighborhood since 2. The following are locations and dates of reported rapes connected to Hendricks. Socias said he did not know that Jenny had been taken to the jail until he received an email from her mother on Dec. He was surprised thats where she ended up.

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