Mathworks Matlab R2008a


R2008a.jpg' alt='Mathworks Matlab R2008a' title='Mathworks Matlab R2008a' />How to normalize a vector in MATLAB efficiently Any related built in function The original code you suggest is the best way. Matlab is extremely good at vectorized operations such as this, at least for large vectors. The built in norm function is very fast. Here are some timing results V rand1. V1VnormV toc result 0. I need to call a Python function from MATLAB. I do this MATLABMATrix LABoratoryThe MathWorksMATLAB. V2VsqrtsumV. V toc result 0. V1VnormV toc result 0. V1 is calculated a second time here just to make sure there are no important cache penalties on the first call. Timing information here was produced with R2. Windows. EDIT Revised answer based on gnovices suggestions see comments. Matrix math barely wins clc clear all. V rand1. 02. 4. N, V1 VnormV end toc 6. N, V2 VsqrtsumV. end toc 9. N, V3 VsqrtV end toc 6. Flipping Book Publisher Corporate. N, V4 VsqrtsumV. 2 end toc 9. N, V1VnormV end toc 6. IMHO, the difference between normV and sqrtV is small enough that for most programs, its best to go with the one thats more clear. To me, normV is clearer and easier to read, but sqrtV is still idiomatic in Matlab. Simulink, developed by MathWorks, is a graphical programming environment for modeling, simulating and analyzing multidomain dynamical systems.

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