Al Jazeera Magazine Pdf


Al SisiEgypts Strong Man Against Zionism. Isra. Hell Articles. BC 3. 00. Al SisiEgypts Strong Man Against Zionism. By Brother Nathanael Kapner January 2. AlQaedas Somalibased branch, alShabab, seeks to establish a fundamentalist Islamic state. The group has carried out a score of violent terror attacks, including. Al Jazeera restructured its operations to form a network that contains all their different channels. Wadah Khanfar, the then managing director of the Arabic Channel. Al Jazeera Magazine Pdf' title='Al Jazeera Magazine Pdf' />Al Jazeera Magazine PdfSupport The Brother Nathanael Foundation Or Send Your Contribution To The Brother Nathanael Foundation, PO Box 5. Priest River ID 8. E mail brothernathanaelfoundationyahoo. SIWI generates, shares and promotes knowledge about waterrelated issues. One of the main channels for this is our publications programme, which includes several. US Soccer Not a progressive bastion. Football is known as a progressive sport in the US, yet the federations national anthem protest ban is anything but. Images/2013/7/23/201372311112415734_20.jpg' alt='Al Jazeera Magazine Pdf' title='Al Jazeera Magazine Pdf' />HES SMART, QUIET, LOVED BY HIS PEOPLEAND an emerging threat to the Zionist program of international Jewry. With the vast majority of Egyptians approving a new constitution last week, the outcome will surely result in General al Sisi becoming Egypts next popularly elected president. A military backed government is vigorously supported by the Egyptians who applaud the militarys no choice deposing of Morsi last July following mass protests over his rule. Hes Egypts de. Gaulle proclaims the countrys prime minister, underscoring the peoples hailing al Sisi as a saviour who delivered them from the Muslim Brotherhood. And in the euphoria of al Sisis presidential prospects Egypts stock market is soaring. The quiet al Sisiwho plays his cards very close to his chesthad some very pointed words for Zionist puppet Obama last August who censored the general for toppling Morsi You turned your back on the Egyptians and they wont forget that. Now you want to continue turning your back on usView Entire Story. Here. This undisguised rebuke against Jewmericas Obama foreshadows an anti Zionist posture by an emerging Egypt in the affairs of the Middle East with the VERY popular al Sisi at its head. The backlash against al Sisi is now in full swing. Its called, The New Sisiphobia, where just like his Jew masters, Obama ignores the plight of Coptic Christiansand all Christians worldwidebut caters to radical Islam, a destabilizing force that furthers Jewrys agenda of divide and conquer. Led by by. Jew owned Time Magazine and the UAEs The National, al Sisi is belittled as a new pharaoh and unfit to rule. But Egypts new pharaoh is hailed as the Eagle of the Arabs in the tradition of Saladin. The Eagle of the Arabs is loved by both Muslims and Christians in Egypt. A devout Muslim himself, yet in pursuing a secular government wherein all minorities are insulated from persecution, al Sisi has vowed to protect Egyptian Christians. And strongman al Sisi with pan Arabic underpinnings and a recently inked military deal with Russia is making Jewry very nervous indeed. Support The Brother Nathanael FoundationOr Send Your Contribution To The Brother Nathanael Foundation, PO Box 5. Oppositions Magazine Pdf. Priest River ID 8. E mail brothernathanaelfoundationyahoo. Scroll Down For Comments. Brother Nathanael January 2. Iso 9001 Lead Auditor Training Course Material. Nigerias Biafra secessionist movement War Conflict. Umuahia, Nigeria Nnamdi Kanu waves his hand and puffs in frustration Nothing seems to be working in Nigeria. There is pain and hardship everywhere. What were fighting for is not self determination for the sake of it. Its because Nigeria is not functioning and can never function. The leader of a group demanding the secession of southeastern Nigeria is speaking exclusively to Al Jazeera in the parlour of his fathers home in the southeastern city of Umuahia. Its the first time he has spoken to an international media outlet since he was granted bail on health grounds last month. His bail conditions prohibit him from being in a crowd of more than 1. But when asked if he is worried that he will get in trouble with the Nigerian authorities for speaking to Al Jazeera he scoffs, I dont care, and rolls his eyes. I cant go outside to call for a press conference. I cant go on Biafra Radio to broadcast. I cant allow large groups of people to basically congregate outside to see me its like asking me not to breathe, he says. On the other side of the parlour door, dozens of people are waiting to see Kanu. A throng of young men dressed in black guard the compound. They refer to Kanu as, our supreme leader or his royal highness. Kanu left Nigeria to study economics and politics at the London Metropolitan University and started Radio Biafra, an obscure, niche, London based radio station in 2. In one broadcast, Kanu said We have one thing in common, all of us that believe in Biafra, one thing we have in common, a pathological hatred for Nigeria. I cannot begin to put into words how much I hate Nigeria. Over the past two years, Kanus status has risen. Today, hes a highly visible activist and leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra IPOB organisation, and after being imprisoned in the Nigerian capital of Abuja for nearly two years on treasonable felony charges, he has now returned home. Kanu is my saviour, says Sopuru Amah, a senior student at one of Nigerias oldest universities, the University of Nigeria in the southeastern city of Nsukka. Just like Jesus was sent to save the world, Kanu was sent by God himself to save the Igbo people. Nigerias ethnic politics. With an estimated population of more than 1. Nigeria is often called the giant of Africa. The complexity of Nigerias population is compounded by its ethnic diversity. Around 2. 50 ethnic groups, each with their own languages, reside in Nigeria. With a myriad of ethnicities dotted across the landscape, three major groups tend to emerge in national dialogue due to their sheer numbers the Yoruba, from the southwest the Hausa Fulani in the north and the Igbo from the southeast. Pro Biafrans say the federal Nigerian government is discriminating and marginalising them, the Igbo people. Im not allowed to contest for the presidency of Nigeria because Im Igbo. Im not allowed to aspire to become the inspector general of police because Im Igbo. Im not allowed to become chief of army staff because Im Igbo. What sort of stupid country is that Kanu asks. Why would any idiot want me to be in that sort of countryIn Kanus mind, Umuahia does not exist in Nigeria. It is in Biafra and he is waiting for the world to acknowledge it. Since the 1. 96. 4 appointment of the first indigenous Nigerian as the head of the Nigerian Police Force, known as the inspector general, more than a dozen officers have held the post. Two of them have been Igbo. In a lineup of almost two dozen chiefs of army staff, the highest ranking military officer in the Nigerian army, two have come from southeastern Nigeria. Perceptions of marginalisationThe southeast feels it has been politically marginalised. There is a point to that. It has been shrunken from being one of the three major regions of the country to now being virtually a minority with the smallest number of states of the six zones in the federation, explains Nnamdi Obasi, a senior analyst at the International Crisis Group. He says that there has only been one Igbo president and one Igbo vice president since Nigeria declared independence from the UK in 1. Pro Biafrans also complain that the federal government is not funding enough infrastructure development in the region, despite a recent announcement by the federal Minister of Power, Works and Housing that road construction will be completed in the southeast. The southeastern region of Nigeria has five states, while other regions have more. They certainly are at a disadvantaged position now, Obasi says. The political configuration of the country ensures that less federal allocation gets to the southeast. Nigerias national economics is closely tied to its politics. Nigeria is a highly centralised federalism that relies on revenue from oil sales. Money trickles down from the central government and more money flows towards regions that have more state and local governments. A recent poll conducted by SBM Intelligence, a local research group, found that the pro Biafra movement is gaining popularity in the southeast and that this growth could be a reaction to the perception that the region is marginalised and economically deprived. So the Nigerian government has to be seen clearly as carrying the region along, Cheta Nwanze, a lead researcher at SBM Intelligence, says. But pro Biafrans like Amah have written off the Nigerian federal government and, in particular, the administration of President Muhammadu Buhari. Buhari hates the southeast because we didnt vote for him, says Chukwudi Diru, a taxi driver with a mini Biafran flag taped to the dashboard of his 2. In his landmark 2. Buhari garnered the least amount of votes in the southernmost and southeastern region. Buhari commented on this during a visit to the United States shortly after his win. During an address at the United States Institute of Peace, Buhari responded to a participant in the audience who asked how he would bring development to the oil rich Niger Delta region in the south, which has suffered decades of environmental degradation due to oil spills and oil bunkering. I hope you have a copy of the election results, Buhari responded to the woman. Naturally, the constituencies that gave me 9. I think this is a political reality. Buharis soundbite has been tagged and re posted across Nigerias social media spaces. To be honest, things like the presidents 9. Nwanze says. And that fire is already burning in the southeast. On storefronts along the streets of Umuahia, photos of Nnamdi Kanu and Odumegwu Chukwuemeka Ojukwu, the leader of the short lived Republic of Biafra 1. At the campus of Amahs university, more students are reading pro Biafran books and followers of Kanu hold evangelism meetings to preach the gospel of pro Biafra. At crowded bus stations in town, Kanus voice booms from loudspeakers. Many people here mark May 3. Biafra Remembrance Day. A bloody past. Kanu and leaders of other pro Biafra groups have called for supporters to stay at home on May 3. Nigerian Biafran War. This May 3. 0 will mark 5. Republic of Biafra, by the late Ojukwu. The declaration of the establishment of the Biafra nation, carved out of southeastern Nigeria, came after failed attempts by the Nigerian government to address the grievances expressed by southeastern Nigerians. In 1. 96. 6, thousands PDF of Igbo civilians were killed, mainly in northern Nigeria.

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